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Frequently Asked Questions

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What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?
How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?
What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?

A typical wedding ceremony lasts between 20 to 30 minutes, but this can vary based on the elements you choose to include, such as readings, rituals, or personal vows.

How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?
What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?

Yes, I am happy to travel to your chosen wedding venue. Travel fees may apply for locations outside of Co Cork where I'm based.

How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?
What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?
How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?

Yes, I respect and embrace all religious and cultural traditions.
We can incorporate any rituals or traditions that are important to you and your families.

What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?
How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?

In the unlikely event that I cannot attend your wedding, I have a
network of professional celebrants who can step in to ensure your
ceremony goes ahead as planned. This is part of my commitment to
providing a reliable and professional service.

What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding due to an emergency?
How long does a typical ceremony last?

Do you travel for weddings?

Can we include religious or cultural traditions in our ceremony?

Can you legally marry us?

Yes, I am a Registered Solemniser and you can find me on the HSE list
of Registered Solemnisers.

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